Registration Information
Registration Information can be found by clicking on "Register Now!" in the menu bar above.
Practices begin August 1st and are held at our Home Field (The Jungle) - Anderson Middle School Stuart, FL 34997. Practice updates will be provided to everyone via Band.
Practice schedules are as follows (and may change due to weather, Head Coach requests, etc.):
August 1st thru Labor Day: Monday - Friday (6pm-8pm)
After Labor Day: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday (6pm-8pm)
Mandatory Conditioning
August 1st will be the start of our mandatory conditioning (minimum of 20 hours). Please try to schedule family vacations around this time period, as any conditioning hours missed will need to be made up prior to entering the regular practice schedule.
The regular season runs from August 1st through late October. Regular season games are usually scheduled for Saturdays and depend on the number of teams participating each season. Games will be played at The Jungle or at our opponent's field. The game schedule is usually released in mid-August and will be added to your team's Band app.
Rules and Expectations
All MCSYAL rules and expectations will be available prior to the start of the season. MCSYAL will hold a MANDATORY Town Hall Meeting during the first week of practice to discuss these rules and expectations. In addition, each team will hold its own mandatory player/parent meeting prior to the start of the season so that the coaches may introduce themselves and may go over their own rules and expectations for the season.
Registration Fee - Refund Policy
There are no exceptions (including injury) to this policy.
Prior to 5/1: Full refund will be granted minus a $25 processing fee.
5/1 to 5/30: 50% refund minus a $25 processing fee.
6/1 and after: No refund will be provided.
All requests for refunds of registration fees must be submitted in writing & emailed to or mailed to PO Box 1067, Port Salerno, FL 34992 - Your written request must include the following information: Date of request, parent/guardian name, participant name, team assigned, amount paid, copy of payment receipt or cancelled check, address to which refund should be sent, and reason for refund request.
Contact Info
If you have any questions about the our football and/or cheer programs, please email